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这篇文章主要讲解了“SAP 的 ABAP 调试器怎么使用”,文中的讲解内容简单清晰,易于学习与理解,下面请大家跟着丸趣 TV 小编的思路慢慢深入,一起来研究和学习“SAP 的 ABAP 调试器怎么使用”吧!

首先弄清楚 ABAP Classic 调试器和新调试器的区别:

Classic debugger:

(1) Static breakpoint

a. BREAK-POINT : non-user specific
b. BREAK user name user specific

(2) Dynamic breakpoint

New debugger:

(1)Static breakpoint
(2)Dynamic breakpoint
a. session breakpoint
b. external breakpoint

Session 断点和 External 断点的区别

(1) Session BP is only visible in all external sessions belonging to the same user session, while External BP is visible across all user sessions. Therefore, only External BP is valid for BSP / Webdynpro debugging.

(2) When a user logs off, Session BP will be deleted while external BP persists.

By setting this flag, if external session A is running, and in external session B (A and B belongs to the same user session) you set a session breakpoint in the program source code, the BP will be triggered immediately .

ABAP 独占断点 (Exclusive Breakpoint) 和非独占断点的区别



Exclusive mode means the application to be analyzed exclusively occupies a work process of the application server during debugging. If all exclusive debug work processes are occupied, the Debugger is switched to non-exclusive mode. (rdisp/wpdbug_max_no)

Limitation for non-exclusive mode:

Due to technical limitations in ABAP debugger implementation, there are following limitations when debugger is run under non-exclusive mode:
(1) No possible to debug statement between SELECT and ENDSELECT. In this case, program terminates with this error:

(2) No possible for conversion / field exit.
(3) No possible for debugging in production system, program terminates with exception DEBUGGING_NOT_POSSIBLE.

ABAP 调试器里的一些指标该如何阅读?

考虑下面这段最简单的 ABAP 代码:

调试器里查看 A1 这个类型为内表的变量:这里的 [2×1(8)] 是什么意思?

2: table row number
1: table column number
8: byte length of table row

The time for which the new Debugger is active is determined by the profile parameter rdisp/max_debug_lazy_time – which is set to 600 seconds in the standard version. After this time space has elapsed, the Debugger process is exited automatically and control is passed back to the application.

一些小技巧:how to debug background RFC?

解决方案:使用事务码 sbgrfcmon

SAP 的 ABAP 调试器怎么使用

SAP 的 ABAP 调试器怎么使用

SAP 的 ABAP 调试器怎么使用

小技巧 2:如何调试 update task

SAP 的 ABAP 调试器怎么使用

小技巧 3:如何使用 ABAP 观察点 Watch point

SAP 的 ABAP 调试器怎么使用

练习:我们进入事务码 SE09 时,会观察到 User 字段会自动被填充成当前登录用户。如何通过观察点快速找到是哪一行代码赋的值?

When we use SE09, how can we find the logic of the User? When and where is this field filled? What does content come from?
Debugging step by step will be very time-consuming.

小技巧 4:使用 ABAP 检查组 Check group

SAP 的 ABAP 调试器怎么使用

小技巧 5:事务码 SRDEBUG

SAP 的 ABAP 调试器怎么使用

SAP 的 ABAP 调试器怎么使用

小技巧 6:调试脚本

SAP 的 ABAP 调试器怎么使用

感谢各位的阅读,以上就是“SAP 的 ABAP 调试器怎么使用”的内容了,经过本文的学习后,相信大家对 SAP 的 ABAP 调试器怎么使用这一问题有了更深刻的体会,具体使用情况还需要大家实践验证。这里是丸趣 TV,丸趣 TV 小编将为大家推送更多相关知识点的文章,欢迎关注!

版权声明:本站原创文章,由 丸趣 2023-08-16发表,共计2279字。