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这篇文章主要介绍“Debian 怎么安装 FreeSwitch 和 mod_hiredis”,在日常操作中,相信很多人在 Debian 怎么安装 FreeSwitch 和 mod_hiredis 问题上存在疑惑,丸趣 TV 小编查阅了各式资料,整理出简单好用的操作方法,希望对大家解答”Debian 怎么安装 FreeSwitch 和 mod_hiredis”的疑惑有所帮助!接下来,请跟着丸趣 TV 小编一起来学习吧!
1. 下载 Debian
下载最新的 Debian 10
2. 安装 Debian 10 省略
使用 Virtual Box 一直下一步安装即可。如果需要查看 freeswitch 占用端口,
请先安装 apt-get install net-tools
3. 更改 apt 源
deb http://ftp.cn.debian.org/debian buster main
deb http://ftp.cn.debian.org/debian buster-updates main
deb http://ftp.cn.debian.org/debian-security/ buster/updates main
deb http://ftp.cn.debian.org/debian buster-backports main
4. 安装 FreeSwitch
apt-get update apt-get install -yq gnupg2 wget lsb-release
wget -O - https://files.freeswitch.org/repo/deb/debian-release/fsstretch-archive-keyring.asc | apt-key add -
echo deb http://files.freeswitch.org/repo/deb/debian-release/ `lsb_release -sc` main /etc/apt/sources.list.d/freeswitch.list
echo deb-src http://files.freeswitch.org/repo/deb/debian-release/ `lsb_release -sc` main /etc/apt/sources.list.d/freeswitch.list
apt-get update
# Install dependencies required for the build
apt-get build-dep freeswitch
# then let s get the source. Use the -b flag to get a specific branch
cd /usr/src/
git clone https://github.com/signalwire/freeswitch.git -bv1.10 freeswitch
cd freeswitch
# Because we re in a branch that will go through many rebases, it s
# better to set this one, or you ll get CONFLICTS when pulling (update).
git config pull.rebase true
# ... and do the build
./bootstrap.sh -j
make install
5. 安装 mod_hiredis 模块
进入 usr/src/freeswitch/src/mod/applications/mod_hireds 目录
make install
然后修改 autoload_configs/modules.conf.xml by uncommenting the line:
load module= mod_hiredis /
配置 autoload_configs/hiredis.conf.xml 文件如下
Configuration example:
configuration name= hiredis.conf description= mod_hiredis
profile name= default
connection name= primary
param name= hostname value= /
param name= password value= redis /
param name= port value= 6379 /
param name= timeout_ms value= 500 /
connection name= secondary
param name= hostname value= localhost /
param name= password value= redis /
param name= port value= 6380 /
param name= timeout_ms value= 500 /
param name= ignore-connect-fail value= true /
Connection parameters:
6. 安装后如何启动
进入 /usr/local/freeswitch/bin
目录,运行./freeswitch 启动
配置文件在 /usr/local/freeswitch/conf 目录下
到此,关于“Debian 怎么安装 FreeSwitch 和 mod_hiredis”的学习就结束了,希望能够解决大家的疑惑。理论与实践的搭配能更好的帮助大家学习,快去试试吧!若想继续学习更多相关知识,请继续关注丸趣 TV 网站,丸趣 TV 小编会继续努力为大家带来更多实用的文章!