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今天丸趣 TV 小编给大家分享一下 CentOS 如何安装 Oracle 数据库的相关知识点,内容详细,逻辑清晰,相信大部分人都还太了解这方面的知识,所以分享这篇文章给大家参考一下,希望大家阅读完这篇文章后有所收获,下面我们一起来了解一下吧。
这里推荐使用 otk 脚本安装 oracle,会大大提高安装 oracle 的成功系数。
oratoolkit is the swiss army knife for oracle. standards and well designed tools help dba s mastering oracle 10g / 11g throughout the whole lifecycle. otk runs on linux, zlinux, solaris, aix, hp-ux and other unix based systems.
一,安装 oracle 约束
最小内存 1g,推荐 2g 或 2g 以上
2、swap 大小设定
1gb 跟 2gb 物理内存之间的,设定 swap 大小为物理内存的 1.5 倍
2gb 跟 16gb 物理内存之间的,设置 swap 大小与物理内存相等
16gb 物理内存以上的,设置 swap 大小为 16gb
3、共享内存 /dev/shm 要求
至少比在每个 oracle 实例中的 memory_max_target 和 memory_target 要大。
4、/tmp 空间大小要求
至少 1gb 空间
存放 oracle 软件文件和数据文件的空间至少 10gb
centos 6.5 64bit
– basic server
1. 安装 oracle 需要的文件:
下载这三个文件,放在 /media/oracle 目录下。
2. 安装 otk
root 用户登录
把 oratoolkit- 安装包移动到 yum 本地数据源文件夹 /media/packages 下
在 packages 下执行安装命令
# yum -y install oratoolkit*
3. 修改 oracle 用户密码
otk 已经帮我们建立了 oracle 用户,下面需要设置 oracle 用户密码
# passwd oracle
4. 检查环境依赖关系工具 swreqcheck
otk 提供了智能检查环境依赖关系,即检查 linux 系统还有什么不满足的条件,比如缺少安装包。
# /opt/oracle/otk/current/bin/installmanager swreqcheck ossetup11gr2.cfg
20140419_010832: info: action swreqcheck of installmanager ended with 44 warnings
我的系统安装的是 centos 6.5 64bit – basic server,新系统缺少的安装包较多,检查出 44 个 warnings。
其中 43 个缺少的安装包,一个可忽略的 warning:
# 20140419_011022: warning: oracle software runs on centos however this combination is not supported by oracle
安装必须安装的安装包:用一个 shell 脚本来解决问题,otk 提供了必须安装的安装包清单。
# 先拼装命令
req_file_dir= /opt/oracle/otk/current/conf/installmanager/requirement
req_file_path= $req_file_dir/ora11gr2-redhat-5-x86_64.pkg.lst
yum_command=$(echo yum -y install)
yum_command+=$(egrep -v # $req_file_path | grep 32-bit | awk { print $1 .i[356]86 } )
yum_command+=$(egrep -v # $req_file_path | grep 64-bit | awk { print $1 .x86_64 } )
#用 echo 看看最终拼装的命令是什么样
echo $yum_command
/opt/oracle/otk/current/bin/installmanager swreqcheck ossetup11gr2.cfg
# 20130521_170131: info: action swreqcheck of installmanager with one warning
剩下一个可忽略的警告。说明环境已经满足 oracle 安装了。
5. 编译安装 rlwrap(增强 sqlplus 功能)
rlwrap is a wrapper that uses the gnu readline library to allow the editing of keyboard input for any other command. input history is kept between invocations, separately for each command; history completion and search work as in bash and completion word lists can be specified on the command line.
来自 http://utopia.knoware.nl/~hlub/uck/rlwrap/
otk 集成了 rlwrap 工具
rlwrap 增强了 sqlplus 的执行命令历史记录和自动完成功能
编译安装 rlwrap
# cd /opt/oracle/otk/current/tools/rlwrap/
# ./configure
# make
# make install
# rlwrap -v
rlwrap 0.30
6. 使用 otk 工具 installmanager 安装 ossetup
on the one hand it does what is required from oracle documentation and on the other hand it setups also the environment for otk. the next bullet list shows a summary.
来自 https://www.oratoolkit.ch/tutorials/gettingstartedv.php
# /opt/oracle/otk/current/bin/installmanager ossetup ossetup11gr2.cfg
7. 把 oracle 安装文件移入资源目录
otk 默认读取 oracle 安装文件的目录是 /var/opt/oracle/repository;
otk 的 swinst 实例安装命令会读取这个目录:
# cd /media/oracle
# chown oracle:oinstall *
# mv linux.x64_11gr2_database_1of2.zip linux.x64_11gr2_database_2of2.zip /var/opt/oracle/repository/
8. 登录 oracle 用户,修改配置文件
# su - oracle
oratoolkit environment variables
installation directory : /opt/oracle/otk
release :
$run directory : /opt/oracle/otk/1.0/bin
$log_base directory : /var/opt/oracle/otk/1.0/log
# vi .profile.custom.interactive
修改文件中的 site 值。
9. 安装 oracle 数据库
otk 是用 swinst 安装数据库的,swinst 的工作原理:
the main purpose of swinst action is to execute oui in silent mode in order to install the software. however, before it can be executed it is required to unzip the file containing the software. otk starts here and takes care also about the extraction before launching runinstaller script.
来自 https://www.oratoolkit.ch/tutorials/gettingstartedvii.php
用一个 shell 脚本来安装数据库:
# /opt/oracle/otk/1.0/conf/installmanager 配置文件路径
cd $install_conf
# 拷贝 oracle11gr2 配置文件,step1,2,3
cp sample/swinsteesrv11gr2-step[123]-linux-x86_64.cfg .
# swinst 引导安装
installmanager swinst swinsteesrv11gr2-step1-linux-x86_64.cfg
installmanager swinst swinsteesrv11gr2-step2-linux-x86_64.cfg
installmanager swinst swinsteesrv11gr2-step3-linux-x86_64.cfg
20140419_132032: info: executing libinstallmanager.printinfomsg function
check in the logs if there are commands to be executed manually.
-usually /opt/oracle/sesrv/11.1.0/db1/cfgtoollogs/configtoolallcommands contains such commands
-usually /opt/oracle/sesrv/11.1.0/db1/root.sh with root privileges has to be executed in case appctl framework is not used.
-usually /opt/oracle/sesrv/11.1.0/db1/install/changeperm.sh needs to be executed when other os users requires oracle libraries
20140419_132032: info: action swinst of installmanager ended successfully
完成剩余配置,执行 root.sh 命令,安装最后需要手工执行剩余的脚本:
# su -
# /opt/oracle/eesrv/11.2.0/db1/root.sh
# exit
10. 创建数据库实例
otk 采用 dbsetup 来创建实例
# cd $install_conf
# ls -l dbsetup*.cfg
修改 dbsetup-dev.cfg 配置文件,必须修改的配置为:
oracle_home 的值:
# installmanager dbsetup dbsetup-dev.cfg
20130419_013000: info: executing libmiscellaneous.getfooter function
20130419_013000: info: terminating installmanager execution
20130419_013000: info: summary log file: /var/opt/oracle/otk/1.0/log-old/installmanager/../installmanager.log
20130419_013000: info: detailed log file: /var/opt/oracle/otk/1.0/log-old/installmanager/dbsetup-20130522_012901.log
20130419_013000: info: action dbsetup of installmanager ended successfully
congratulations! 数据库可以使用了。
11. 登录 sqlplus
# su - oracle
oracle database environment variables
$oracle_home : /opt/oracle/eesrv/11.2.0/db1
$oracle_sid : dev
$tns_admin : /opt/oracle/network
oratoolkit environment variables
installation directory : /opt/oracle/otk
release :
$run directory : /opt/oracle/otk/1.0/bin
$log_base directory : /var/opt/oracle/otk/1.0/log
# sqlplus / as sysdba
sql*plus: release production on sat apr 19 11:27:47 2014
copyright (c) 1982, 2009, oracle. all rights reserved.
connected to:
oracle database 11g enterprise edition release - 64bit production
with the partitioning, olap, data mining and real application testing options
sql select username from dba_users;
11 rows selected.
说明 sqlplus 可以使用了。
12. 使用 ctl 管理数据库
otk 提供了一个通用的 oracle 数据库管理工具,它代替了 oracle 的 appctl 框架。
$ ctl status all // 查看当前状态
# ctl start all // 启动数据库
$ ctl stop all // 停止数据库
以上就是“CentOS 如何安装 Oracle 数据库”这篇文章的所有内容,感谢各位的阅读!相信大家阅读完这篇文章都有很大的收获,丸趣 TV 小编每天都会为大家更新不同的知识,如果还想学习更多的知识,请关注丸趣 TV 行业资讯频道。