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这篇文章主要为大家展示了“批处理如何安装网络打印机”,内容简而易懂,条理清晰,希望能够帮助大家解决疑惑,下面让丸趣 TV 小编带领大家一起研究并学习一下“批处理如何安装网络打印机”这篇文章吧。

*Because there are many Windows computers in the company, using traditional manual steps to install printer drivers step by step is really too cumbersome and wasting time. Now we want to implement script installation of network printers.

@echo on
echo     Auto to inistall print driver!!!

color 0a

rem 以下是判断端口
set count=0
set /a count=%count%+1
if exist 打印机 %count%.txt (set filename= 打印机 %count%.txt) else (goto eof)
for /f tokens=2 delims== %%a in (type %filename% ^|findstr /I 打印机 IP=) do set pIP=%%a

if /I %pIP% == LPT1: goto addreginfo
if /I %pIP% == LPT2: goto addreginfo

rem 以下是添加端口在注册表中的信息
set regpath2=HKEYLOCALMACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Monitors\Standard TCP/IP Port\Ports\IP
set regpath3=HKEYLOCALMACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Print\Monitors\Standard TCP/IP Port\Ports\IP
@echo off
@reg add %regpath2%%pip% /v Protocol /d 00000001 /f /t REGDWORD nul 2 nul
@reg add %regpath2%%pip% /v Version /d 00000001 /f /t REGDWORD nul 2 nul
@reg add %regpath2%%pip% /v HostName /d /f nul 2 nul
@reg add %regpath2%%pip% /v IPAddress /d %pip% /f nul 2 nul
@reg add %regpath2%%pip% /v HWAddress /d /f nul 2 nul
@reg add %regpath2%%pip% /v PortNumber /d 9100 /f /t REGDWORD nul 2 nul
@reg add %regpath2%%pip% /v SNMP Community /d public /f nul 2 nul
@reg add %regpath2%%pip% /v SNMP Enabled /d 00000000 /f /t REGDWORD nul 2 nul
@reg add %regpath2%%pip% /v SNMP Index /d 00000001 /f /t REGDWORD nul 2 nul

@reg add %regpath3%%pip% /v Protocol /d 00000001 /f /t REGDWORD nul 2 nul
@reg add %regpath3%%pip% /v Version /d 00000001 /f /t REGDWORD nul 2 nul
@reg add %regpath3%%pip% /v HostName /d /f nul 2 nul
@reg add %regpath3%%pip% /v IPAddress /d %pip% /f nul 2 nul
@reg add %regpath3%%pip% /v HWAddress /d /f nul 2 nul
@reg add %regpath3%%pip% /v PortNumber /d 9100 /f /t REGDWORD nul 2 nul
@reg add %regpath3%%pip% /v SNMP Community /d public /f nul 2 nul
@reg add %regpath3%%pip% /v SNMP Enabled /d 00000000 /f /t REGDWORD nul 2 nul
@reg add %regpath3%%pip% /v SNMP Index /d 00000001 /f /t REGDWORD nul 2 nul
goto addreginfo

rem 以下是重新启动打印服务,使新端口生效
echo.           Don`t close this window, you are adding a printer. Please wait a minute.

echo 正在启用打印机端口 …
net stop spooler nul 2 nul
net start spooler nul 2 nul

rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /dl /n TOSHIBA e-STUDIO455Series PCL6 /f %pinf% /r %pIP% /q

rem 以下是添加打印机
set count=0
set /a count=%count%+1
if exist 打印机 %count%.txt (set filename= 打印机 %count%.txt) else (goto over)

for /f tokens=2 delims== %%a in (type %filename% ^|findstr 打印机 IP=) do set pIP=%%a
for /f tokens=2 delims== %%a in (type %filename% ^|findstr 打印机名称 =) do set pname=%%a
for /f tokens=2 delims== %%a in (type %filename% ^|findstr 打印机型号 =) do set pmodel=%%a
for /f tokens=2 delims== %%a in (type %filename% ^|findstr 打印机 INF 位置 =) do set pinf=%%a

echo.Already added, the printer information is as follows:
echo  IP  :%pIP%
echo 名称:%pname%
echo 型号:%pmodel%
:echo 驱动:%pinf%
if /I %pIP% == LPT1: (goto ok)
if /I %pIP% == LPT2: (goto ok) else (set pip=IP%pip%)
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /if /b %pname% /f %pinf% /r %pIP% /m %pmodel%
goto instprinter
color 0b
echo  If you have any problems, please contact the administrator.
echo 请按任意键退出
★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ *

网络打印服务器配置文件“打印机 1.txt”的内容:

打印机 IP=
打印机型号 =TOSHIBA e-STUDIO455Series PCL6
打印机 INF 位置 =E:\TOSHIBA_64\110104_Loire_CDV210_CN_XP_VISTA_X64_PLC6\Driver\eS4px6.inf

本地打印机配置文件“打印机 2.txt”的内容:
打印机 IP=LPT1:
打印机名称 = 本地 HP 3050
打印机型号 =HP LaserJet 3050 Series PCL 5e
打印机 INF 位置 =D:\sysbak\ 打印机 \hp3055\Drivers\2K_XP_Vista\hppcp501.inf

以上是“批处理如何安装网络打印机”这篇文章的所有内容,感谢各位的阅读!相信大家都有了一定的了解,希望分享的内容对大家有所帮助,如果还想学习更多知识,欢迎关注丸趣 TV 行业资讯频道!

版权声明:本站原创文章,由 丸趣 2023-08-25发表,共计3328字。