共计 489 个字符,预计需要花费 2 分钟才能阅读完成。
在 PHP 中,可以使用反斜杠()来转义特殊字符。以下是一些常见的转义字符的示例:
- 转义双引号(”):
$str = "This is a \"quoted\"string.";
echo $str; // 输出:This is a "quoted" string.
- 转义单引号(’):
$str = 'This is a \'quoted\'string.';
echo $str; // 输出:This is a 'quoted' string.
- 转义反斜杠():
$str = "This is a \\ backslash.";
echo $str; // 输出:This is a \ backslash.
- 转义换行符(n):
$str = "This is a line of text.\nThis is a new line.";
echo $str; // 输出:// This is a line of text.
// This is a new line.
- 转义制表符(t):
$str = "This is a tabbed\ttext.";
echo $str; // 输出:This is a tabbed text.
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