SQL Server数据库的基本操作语句总结


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这篇文章主要介绍“SQL Server 数据库的基本操作语句总结”,在日常操作中,相信很多人在 SQL Server 数据库的基本操作语句总结问题上存在疑惑,丸趣 TV 小编查阅了各式资料,整理出简单好用的操作方法,希望对大家解答”SQL Server 数据库的基本操作语句总结”的疑惑有所帮助!接下来,请跟着丸趣 TV 小编一起来学习吧!

复制代码 代码如下:
–sql 基本操作

– 创建数据库

create database Studets

– 创建表

create table student (sno char(5), sname char(20), ssex char(2), sage smallint, sdept char(15) )

create table course (cno char(3), cname char(30), cpno char(3), ccredit smallint )

create table sc (sno char(5), cno char(3), grade int )

– 查看表信息

select * from student select sno as 学号 from student select * from course select * from sc

– 修改表

– 插入列

alter table student add scome datetime

– 修改列的字段类型 alter table student alter column scome char(50)

– 删除 – 删除列

alter table student drop column scome

– 删除表 drop table student drop table course drop table sc

– 完整性约束实现

–sno 非空唯一,ssex 检查约束,sage 默认大小

create table student (sno char(5) not null unique, sname char(20), sex char(2), sage smallint default 20, sdept char(15), constraint sex check(sex in( 男 , 女)), )

– 删除表的约束 alter table student drop constraint ssex

– 添加字段约束 alter table student add constraint ssex check(sex in( 男 , 女))

– 添加主键约束 alter table student add constraint PK_SNO primary key(sno) create table course (cno char(3) not null unique, cname char(30), cpno char(3), ccredit smallint )

– 关联表主键已经存在,可以如下操作添加主键和外键约束

alter table course add constraint PK_CNO primary key(cno), constraint FK_CPNO foreign key(cpno) REFERENCES sc(cno)

create table sc


sno char(5) foreign key references student(sno),

cno char(3) foreign key references course(cno),

grade int,

constraint PK_SC primary key(sno,cno)


ALTER TABLE [dbo].[sc] DROP CONSTRAINT [FK__sc__sno__0F975522]



– 创建 sc 后,通过如下修改主外键

alter table sc add constraint PK_SC primary key(sno,cno),

constraint FK_SNO foreign key(sno) references student(sno),

constraint FK_CNO foreign key(cno) references course(cno)

– 创建索引。

分为聚簇索引(clustered 物理顺序)和非聚簇索引(nonclustered 逻辑顺序,可多个)

复制代码 代码如下:

–not null 约束字段时候。会创建一个系统内置的约束键值,并且这种非空判断,通过索引查询实现 – 的,索引默认创建一个系统索引

create unique index STUsno

on student(sno)

create unique index COUcno

on course(cno)

create unique index SCno

on sc(sno asc,cno desc)

drop index SCno on sc

– 显示表的数据和索引的碎块信息 DBCC SHOWCONTIG

– 插入数据 select * from student

alter table student alter column sno char(10)

insert into student values(10021 , 张三 , 男 ,20, 计科系)

insert into student values(10022 , 王朝 , 女 ,18, 软件)

insert into student values(10023 , 朱元璋 , 男 ,20, 管理)

insert into student values(10024 , 刘彻 , 男 ,18, 军事)

insert into student values(10025 , 刘表 , 男 ,20, 商学系)

insert into student values(10026 , 白居易 , 男 ,19, 文法)

insert into student values(10027 , 李清照 , 女 ,24, 文法)

select * from course insert into course values(001 , 数据库 , 005 ,4)

insert into course values(002 , 高等数学 , ,2)

insert into course values(003 , 信息系统 , 001 ,4)

insert into course values(004 , 操作系统 , 006 ,2)

insert into course values(005 , 数据结构 , 007 ,3)

insert into course values(006 , 数据处理 , ,2)

insert into course values(007 , C 语言 , 006 ,5)

select * from sc insert into sc values(10021 , 002 ,100)

insert into sc values(10021 , 001 ,88)

insert into sc values(10021 , 006 ,100)

insert into sc values(10021 , 007 ,68)

insert into sc values(10022 , 002 ,100)

insert into sc values(10023 , 005 ,30)

insert into sc values(10024 , 002 ,100)

insert into sc values(10024 , 006 ,56)

select * from student – 查询操作

– 查询 select * from student select * from course select * from sc

– 去掉重复行 select distinct sno from sc

– 格式化查询

select sname as 姓名 ,2013-sage as 出生日期 from student

select sname, 出生日期 ,2013-sage from student

select 姓名 =sname, 出生日期 =2013-sage from student

– 条件查询

select * from course where ccredit 3

select * from course where ccredit between 2 and 5

select * from course where ccredit 2 and ccredit 5

select * from course where ccredit in(2)

select * from course where ccredit not in(2)

– 匹配查询

select * from student where sname like 刘__

select * from student where sname like _表__

select * from student where sname like % 表 %

– 算术元算查询

select grade*(1+0.2) as 总成绩,grade/(10) as 绩点 from sc

– 分组函数查询

select COUNT(*) as 总人数 from student

select COUNT(distinct sno) as 选修的总人数 from sc

select AVG(grade) as 平均成绩 from sc where sno= 10021

select MAX(grade) as MAX 成绩 from sc where sno= 10021

select MIN(grade) as MIN 成绩 from sc where sno= 10021

select SUM(grade) as 总成绩 from sc where sno= 10021

select SUM(grade)/COUNT(grade) as 平均成绩 from sc where sno= 10021

select SUM(grade) as 总成绩 from sc group by sno having sum(grade) 100 –

- 连接查询、

– 等值连接

select distinct student.*,sc.* from student,sc where student.sno=sc.sno

– 自身连接

select distinct A.*,B.* from student A,sc B where A.sno=B.sno

select B.sname as 同一个系 from student A,student B where A.sname= 白居易 and A.sdept=B.sdept

– 外连接

select A.*,B.* from student A left join sc B on A.sno=B.sno

select A.*,B.* from student A right join sc B on A.sno=B.sno

select A.*,B.* from student A FULL join sc B on A.sno=B.sno

– 复合条件连接

select * from sc select * from course

select distinct A.*,B.* from student A,sc B where A.sno=B.sno and B.grade 99 and B.cno= 002

select distinct A.*,B.*,C.* from student A,sc B,course C where A.sno=B.sno and B.cno=C.cno and B.grade 99 and B.cno= 002

– 字符串连接查询

select sname+sno from student

select distinct sname from student ,sc where student.sno=sc.sno

select sname from student ,sc where student.sno=sc.sno and student.sno not in (select sno from sc where grade 60) group by sname

– 子查询

select * from student where sage (select AVG(sage) from student)

– 是否存在的查询

select * from student where exists(select * from sc where sno=student.sno)

select * from student where not exists(select * from sc where sno=student.sno)

–sql 创建用户 sys.sp_addlogin bnc,bnc,Studets sp_adduser bnc,bnc

– 权限分配和收回

grant select on student to bnc

select * from student

revoke select on student from bnc

– 视图的创建

create view VIEW_STUGrade(学号, 姓名, 课程, 成绩)


select student.sno,student.sname,course.cname,sc.grade from student,course,sc

where student.sno=sc.sno and course.cno=sc.cno and student.sdept= 软件

– 查看视图

select * from VIEW_STUGrade

– 视图修改

alter view VIEW_STUGrade(学号, 姓名, 课程, 成绩)


select student.sno,student.sname,course.cname,sc.grade from student,course,sc

where student.sno=sc.sno and course.cno=sc.cno and student.sdept= 软件

with check option

– 更新失败后不影响视图查看

– 视图更新

update VIEW_STUGrade set 姓名 = 王超 where 学号 = 10022 select * from student where sno= 10022

/* 1, 可更新视图:a, 单个基本表导出的 2,不可更新视图 a 两个以上基本表导出的 b 视图字段来自表达式或者函数 c 嵌套查询的表 d 分组子句使用 distinct */

– 删除视图 drop view VIEW_STUGrade

– 高级 sql 编程

– 数据类型 1,int 2,smallint 3,tinyint (0–255) 4,bigint 5char 固定长度 800. 如:学号,姓名 6,varchar 可变长度小于 800 7,text 2GB 8,nvarchar1–4000 */

– 运算符和通配符

select GETDATE()-1 昨天,GETDATE() 今天,GETDATE()+1 明天

select 59 12

select 59|12

select 59^12

– 模糊查询

select * from student where sname like % 刘 %

select * from student where sno like 1002[5-9]

– 控制流程语句

declare @name char(10) set @name= 司马相如

print @name

– 输出一个表达式,不能进行查询 select @name

– 输出多个表达式

declare @a nvarchar(50),@b nvarchar(50)

set @a=33 set @b=34 — 简写 select@a=33,@b=34

if @a @b

print 最小值是:+@a


print 最大值是:+@b

–waitfor 间隔一段时间执行

waitfor delay 00:00:04 print 推迟 4 秒执行

waitfor time 17:45:50 print 等待这一时刻执行

– 创建函数

CREATE FUNCTION GetTime (@date1 datetime, @date2 datetime)



select datediff(dd,@date1,@date2) 日差,datediff(mm,@date1,@date2) 月差, datediff(yy,@date1,@date2) 年差


– 创建存储过程,

– 查看

GO create proc [dbo].[sel] (

@sno char(10)



select * from student where sno=@sno

exec sel @sno= 10021

– 查看

GO create proc sel2


select * from student

exec sel2

– 修改

GO create proc updat @sno char(10), @sex char(2)


update student set sex=@sex where sno=@sno

select * from student exec updat @sno= 10021 , @sex= 女

– 删除

GO create proc dele @sno char(10)


delete student where sno=@sno

select * from student

exec dele @sno= 10029

– 插入

GO create proc inser @sno char(10), @sname char(20), @sex char(2), @sage smallint, @sdept char(15)


insert into student values(@sno,@sname,@sex,@sage,@sdept)

exec inser @sno= 10029 , @sname= tom , @sex= 男 , @sage=100, @sdept= sc select * from student

– 查询操作

– 查询

select * from student select * from course select * from sc

– 去掉重复行 select distinct sno from sc

– 格式化查询

select sname as 姓名 ,2013-sage as 出生日期 from student

select sname, 出生日期 ,2013-sage from student

select 姓名 =sname, 出生日期 =2013-sage from student

– 条件查询

select * from course where ccredit 3

select * from course where ccredit between 2 and 5

select * from course where ccredit 2 and ccredit 5

select * from course where ccredit in(2)

select * from course where ccredit not in(2)

– 匹配查询

select * from student where sname like 刘__

select * from student where sname like _表__

select * from student where sname like % 表 %

– 算术元算查询

select grade*(1+0.2) as 总成绩,grade/(10) as 绩点 from sc

– 分组函数查询

select COUNT(*) as 总人数 from student

select COUNT(distinct sno) as 选修的总人数 from sc select AVG(grade) as 平均成绩 from sc where sno= 10021

select MAX(grade) as MAX 成绩 from sc where sno= 10021

select MIN(grade) as MIN 成绩 from sc where sno= 10021

select SUM(grade) as 总成绩 from sc where sno= 10021

select SUM(grade)/COUNT(grade) as 平均成绩 from sc where sno= 10021

select SUM(grade) as 总成绩 from sc group by sno having sum(grade) 100

– 连接查询、– 等值连接

select distinct student.*,sc.* from student,sc where student.sno=sc.sno

– 自身连接

select distinct A.*,B.* from student A,sc B where A.sno=B.sno select B.sname as 同一个系 from student A,student B where A.sname= 白居易 and A.sdept=B.sdept

– 外连接

select A.*,B.* from student A left join sc B on A.sno=B.sno select A.*,B.* from student A right join sc B on A.sno=B.sno

select A.*,B.* from student A FULL join sc B on A.sno=B.sno

- 复合条件连接

select distinct A.*,B.* from student A,sc B where A.sno=B.sno and B.grade 99 and B.cno= 002

select distinct A.*,B.*,C.* from student A,sc B,course C where A.sno=B.sno and B.cno=C.cno and B.grade 99 and B.cno= 002

– 字符串连接查询

select sname+sno from student

select distinct sname from student ,sc where student.sno=sc.sno

select sname from student ,sc where student.sno=sc.sno and student.sno not in (select sno from sc where grade 60) group by sname

– 子查询

select * from student where sage (select AVG(sage) from student)

– 是否存在的查询

select * from student where exists(select * from sc where sno=student.sno)

select * from student where not exists(select * from sc where sno=student.sno)

–sql 创建用户

sys.sp_addlogin bnc,bnc,Studets sp_adduser bnc,bnc

– 权限分配和收回

grant select on student to bnc

select * from student

revoke select on student from bnc

– 视图的创建

create view VIEW_STUGrade(学号, 姓名, 课程, 成绩)


select student.sno,student.sname,course.cname,sc.grade from student,course,sc

where student.sno=sc.sno and course.cno=sc.cno and student.sdept= 软件

– 查看视图

select * from VIEW_STUGrade

– 视图修改

alter view VIEW_STUGrade(学号, 姓名, 课程, 成绩) as select student.sno,student.sname,course.cname,sc.grade from student,course,sc

where student.sno=sc.sno and course.cno=sc.cno and student.sdept= 软件

with check option

– 更新失败后不影响视图查看 – 视图更新

update VIEW_STUGrade set 姓名 = 王超 where 学号 = 10022 select * from student where sno= 10022

/* 1, 可更新视图:a, 单个基本表导出的 2,不可更新视图 a 两个以上基本表导出的 b 视图字段来自表达式或者函数 c 嵌套查询的表 d 分组子句使用 distinct */

– 删除视图 drop view VIEW_STUGrade

– 触发器

use Studets

GO create trigger insert_Tri

ON student after

insert as print 有新数据插入!

GO create trigger update_Tri

on student after

update as print 有数据更新!

GO create trigger delete_Tri

on student after

delete as print 有数据删除!

– 修改触发器

GO alter trigger delete_Tri

on student after delete


if 王帅 in (select sname from deleted)

print 该信息不许删除!

rollback transaction

– 执行存储过程查看触发器使用情况

exec sel @sno= 10021

exec inser @sno= 10029 , @sname= 王帅 , @sex= 男 , @sage=25, @sdept= 国贸

exec updat @sno= 10029 , @sex= 女

exec dele @sno= 10029

– 查看, 修改, 删除触发器

/* sp_*+ 触发器名称

sp_helptext:触发器正文信息 sp_help: 查看一般信息,触发器名称,属性,创建时间,类型 sp_depends:引用或指定表的所有触发器 sp_helptrigger:指定信息 */ sp_help delete_Tri

sp_helptext delete_Tri

sp_depends delete_Tri

sp_helptrigger student

– 删除触发器

drop trigger delete_Tri

到此,关于“SQL Server 数据库的基本操作语句总结”的学习就结束了,希望能够解决大家的疑惑。理论与实践的搭配能更好的帮助大家学习,快去试试吧!若想继续学习更多相关知识,请继续关注丸趣 TV 网站,丸趣 TV 小编会继续努力为大家带来更多实用的文章!

版权声明:本站原创文章,由 丸趣 2023-07-28发表,共计10248字。