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这篇文章主要介绍了如何解决 mysql 多个字段 update 时错误使用 and 连接字段的问题,具有一定借鉴价值,感兴趣的朋友可以参考下,希望大家阅读完这篇文章之后大有收获,下面让丸趣 TV 小编带着大家一起了解一下。


update spoken set book_id = 2 and unit_id = 14 and article_id = 47409 where id = 284989;

结果为只将 book_id 字段值更新为 0, 其他字段都没有更改

mysql select id,book_id,unit_id,article_id from spoken;


| id     | book_id | unit_id | article_id |


| 284989 |       5 |      55 |      55555 |


1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql update spoken set book_id = 2 and unit_id = 14 and article_id = 47409 where id = 284989;

Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0

mysql select id,book_id,unit_id,article_id from spoken;


| id     | book_id | unit_id | article_id |


| 284989 |       0 |      55 |      55555 |


1 row in set (0.00 sec)



update spoken set book_id = 2,unit_id = 14,article_id = 47409 where id = 284989;(正常语句)


mysql select id,book_id,unit_id,article_id from spoken;


| id     | book_id | unit_id | article_id |


| 284989 |       0 |      55 |      55555 |


1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql update spoken set book_id = 2,unit_id = 14,article_id = 47409 where id = 284989;          

Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0

mysql select id,book_id,unit_id,article_id from spoken;


| id     | book_id | unit_id | article_id |


| 284989 |       2 |      14 |      47409 |


1 row in set (0.00 sec)



update spoken set book_id = 2 and unit_id = 14 and article_id = 47409 where id = 284989;

只将第一个字段变更为 1

mysql select id,book_id,unit_id,article_id from spoken;


| id     | book_id | unit_id | article_id |


| 284989 |       2 |      14 |      47409 |


1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql update spoken set book_id = 2 and unit_id = 14 and article_id = 47409 where id = 284989;  

Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0

mysql select id,book_id,unit_id,article_id from spoken;


| id     | book_id | unit_id | article_id |


| 284989 |       1 |      14 |      47409 |


1 row in set (0.00 sec)


1、正常的 update 语法为语句二,更新多个字段的值,多个字段之间使用逗号“,”分隔。

2、但问题语句一和问题语句三更新多个字段的值使用 and

且语句一将 book_id 变更为,语句三将 book_id 变更为 1;


update spoken set book_id = 2 and unit_id = 14 and article_id = 47409 where id = 284989;


update spoken set book_id =
(2 and unit_id = 14 and article_id = 47409) where id = 284989;


update spoken set book_id =
(2 and
(unit_id = 14) and
(article_id = 47409)) where id = 284989;

相当于将 book_id 的值更新为下面语句的值

select 2 and (unit_id = 14) and (article_id = 47409) from spoken
where id = 284989;

该语句由三个表达式通过 mysql 的逻辑运算符 and 连接

表达式一为:  2

表达式二为:unit_id = 14
(select unit_id = 14 from spoken
where id = 284989;)

表达式三为:article_id = 47409
(select article_id = 47409 from spoken
where id = 284989;)

由于当时 unit_id = 55,article_id=55555

表达一的值为 2

表达式二值为 0

表达式三的值为 0

所以 select 2 and (unit_id = 14) and (article_id = 47409) from spoken
where id = 284989;

的值为 2 and 0 and 0

即执行语句的结果等价于 update spoken set book_id =
where id = 284989;

Mysql 的逻辑运算


(AND 或)

(1) 当所有操作数均为非零值、并且不为 NULL 时,所得值为 1
(2) 当一个或多个操作数为 0 时,所得值为 0 
(3) 其余情况所得值为 NULL

mysql SELECT 1 AND -1, 1 0, 0 AND NULL, 1 NULL ;
| 1 AND -1
 | 1 0
 | 0 AND NULL | 1 NULL |
| 1        | 0      | 0        
 | NULL      |


2 and unit_id = 14 and article_id = 47409

相当于将 book_id 的值更新为下面语句的值

select 2 and (unit_id = 14) and (article_id = 47409) from spoken
where id = 284989;

该语句由三个表达式通过 mysql 的逻辑运算符 and 连接

表达式一为:  2

表达式二为:unit_id = 14
(select unit_id = 14 from spoken
where id = 284989;)

表达式三为:article_id = 47409
(select article_id = 47409 from spoken
where id = 284989;)

由于当时 unit_id = 14,article_id=47409

表达一的值为 2

表达式二值为 1

表达式三的值为 1

所以 select 2 and (unit_id = 14) and (article_id = 47409) from spoken
where id = 284989;

的值为 2 and 1 and 1
即为 1。

即执行语句的结果等价于 update spoken set book_id =
where id = 284989;


Mysql 如果对 mysql 的数值型如 int 做匹配时,unit_id 字段和 14 做匹配时


select id,book_id,unit_id,article_id from spoken where unit_id=14;

select id,book_id,unit_id,article_id from spoken where unit_id= 14

select id,book_id,unit_id,article_id from spoken where unit_id= 14aaa


mysql  select id,book_id,unit_id,article_id from spoken where unit_id=14;


| id     | book_id | unit_id | article_id |


| 284989 |       0 |      14 |      47409 |


1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql select id,book_id,unit_id,article_id from spoken where unit_id= 14


| id     | book_id | unit_id | article_id |


| 284989 |       0 |      14 |      47409 |


1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql select id,book_id,unit_id,article_id from spoken where unit_id= 14aaa


| id     | book_id | unit_id | article_id |


| 284989 |       0 |      14 |      47409 |


1 row in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)


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版权声明:本站原创文章,由 丸趣 2023-07-27发表,共计5213字。